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Auto Repair

Auto Repair

Auto Body Repair for the Permian Basin

Getting into an automobile accident is not only unnerving, it also adds to the stress level in your life immensely. What if your car won’t be able to run again? How much will this accident cost me and my family in both doctor and repair bills? Leave all of the repairs to us and get back to your normal routine.
At A-Z Body Shop, we can repair body parts that were broken during the vehicle collision and can complete all of the body frame work. We are an encyclopedia when it comes to car parts knowledge, hence our name, “A-Z!” Rest assured that when you get your car back, it will be hard to believe it was even involved in an accident. Call our auto body shop today for all your auto body and collision repair needs.

We can refinish body parts!

Auto Body Repair | Permian Basin, TX

Common Signs Your Vehicle Needs Auto Repair Services

  • Starting Issues: Your car should start without hesitation. If your vehicle takes a while to start or causes you issues a bit after starting it, you need to bring your vehicle to an auto body repair shop to see what the root of the problem is.
  • Check Engine Light is On: If your “check engine” light is flashing, it means there is a problem with the many systems in your car and it should be fixed before you take your car out on the road. When your check engine light blinks, you need to bring your car to an auto body repair shop.
  • Excessive Exhaust Smoke: Excessive exhaust smoke can be the result of an oil leak or something else. In order to figure out the cause of the excessive smoke, bring your vehicle to a reputable auto body repair shop.

Contact Our Auto Body Repair Shop Today!

Whether it was simply a little touch-and-go with another vehicle or it was a total fender bender, we have all the parts and tools necessary to complete your repair. Because we specialize in car painting services, we can refinish body parts to look like new. There won’t be a scrape on your car by the time we are done. A-Z can replace all of the parts that are too far gone and complete any body and framework repair. You will be back on the open road in no time!

Don’t forget that your insurance policy is always welcome at A-Z Body Shop.

Call us today for a free estimate at 432-366-0622!
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